High School students, grades 9 through 12, living or attending school in
Oakland County (public, private, home schooled). Students may enter singly
or as a team of up to 5 members per submission.
Create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to emphasize the opportunities
and responsibility of each individual to conserve energy.
"What Can *I* Do?: The Green Power of One"
- Television
- Radio
- Essay
Entries will be judged on creativity, originality, clarity and use of the theme.
The winning entry in each category will receive a cash award, to be evenly divided among members if submitted by a team.
Winning TV and radio PSAs will be broadcast; the winning essay will be published. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony the 1st week in April.
Visit http://www.lwvoa.org/2010PSA.html for more information.
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