Underwriting Policies
What is an Underwriter?
- An "underwriter" is a third party that has voluntarily contributed goods or services to support, in whole or in part, the production of a program.
What types of Underwriting support does CMNtv allow?
- Underwriters may provide productions with GOODS and/or SERVICES that contribute to the creation of programming.
- CMNtv DOES NOT ALLOW direct financial Underwriting of Programming.
The following information regarding Program Underwriting may be found in full in CMNtv's Policies & Procedures Manual.
Underwriter Policy
- The underwriter must sign the CMNtv Underwriting Agreement, available at CMNtv or upon CMNtv’s website (currently under development).
- The member shall deliver a signed copy of the Underwriting Agreement to the CMNtv Executive Director PRIOR TO acceptance of underwriting contributions.
- Violation of this policy will result in sanctions, including, but not limited to, the suspension of all CMNtv member privileges as determined by CMNtv management.
Underwriter Recognition
- Underwriting recognition may be given to businesses or other organizations that have contributed goods or services supporting program production as described above.
- Individual credits for such contributions are limited to fifteen (15) seconds.
- Total recognition for underwriting is limited to sixty (60) seconds.
- Recognition may include an acknowledgment of the contribution made.
- Recognition may not contain any advertising information.
Underwriter Recognition Guidelines
- Recognition must appear at either the beginning or end of the program.
- Recognition may be aural, visual or both.
- Recognition may include a logo.
- Recognition may include a name, address, and phone number.
- Recognition may include a phrase describing the nature of the contribution.
- Recognition may include a phrase describing the nature of the business or organization.
- Recognition may not contain any qualitative or promotional information.
Program Credits for Contribution of Goods & Services
Programs may contain credit for individuals, businesses or other organizations that have contributed goods or services used in the program production.
- Individual credits for such contributions are limited to text only during a program’s final credits.
- Individual credits may appear on-screen for a maximum of fifteen (15) seconds.
- Total credits for all contributions are limited to sixty (60) seconds.
- Credits may include a textual acknowledgment of the contribution made.
- Credits may not contain any advertising information.
Guidelines for Program Credits for Contribution of Goods & Services
- Credit must appear at the end of a program.
- Credit may be textual only.
- Credit may not include a logo or voice-over.
- Credit may include a business or organization name, address, and phone number.
- Credit may include a phrase describing the nature of the contribution.
- Credit may not contain any qualitative or promotional information.