Winter 2015 session starts Wednesday, Jan 14, 2015 – 7-9pm Spring 2015 session starts Wednesday, April 8, 2015 – 7-9pm Resident Price: $25 Non-Resident Price: $200

Winter 2015 session starts Wednesday, Jan 14, 2015 – 7-9pm Spring 2015 session starts Wednesday, April 8, 2015 – 7-9pm Resident Price: $25 Non-Resident Price: $200
Make television at Community Media Network! Visit our studio on January 10, 2015 for a free orientation and learn about the wide array of video production courses that you can take to bring your big ideas to the small screen.
Expand your camera knowledge by taking this five-week In Depth class on Panasonic’s GH3 DSLR camera. Learn about the camera’s lenses and attachments, as well as lighting and audio, and then learn handheld techniques and camera positioning for scene setups.
Fall 2015 Session
Tuesday Evenings 7pm-9pm
Sept 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20
Expand your camera knowledge by taking this five-week In Depth class on Panasonic’s GH3 DSLR camera. Learn about the camera’s lenses and attachments, as well as lighting and audio, and then learn handheld techniques and camera positioning for scene setups.
Spring 2015 Session
Tuesday Evenings 7pm-9pm
April 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12
Step up your field production skills by attending this five-week In Depth Class dedicated to field production setup and technique. Learn about proper lighting, incorporating multiple audio sources, setting up camera supports, and shooting new briefs and PSAs.
Fall 2015 Session Dates
Wednesday Evenings 7pm-9pm
Sept 23, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21
Step up your field production skills by attending this five-week In Depth Class dedicated to field production setup and technique. Learn about proper lighting, incorporating multiple audio sources, setting up camera supports, and shooting new briefs and PSAs.
Spring 2015 Session Dates
Wednesday Evenings 7pm-9pm
April 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13
1230 Souter Dr
Troy, MI 48083
t: 248-589-7778
f: 248-589-7779
SUN-MON: Closed
Tues-Fri: 1pm-8pm
Sat: By Appointment