In Depth: Studio Production

Capacity: 10 Students | Resident Price: $25 | Non-Resident Price: $200
Upcoming Classes & Registration
CMNtv Studio
CMNtv’s studio includes four studio cameras, various studio lights, teleprompter, and a control room outfitted with the TriCaster 860 Advanced Edition, which enables graphics, transitions, and live switching between cameras
Open to Full Members
You’ll learn how to navigate and use CMNtv studio resources, including cameras, audio, lighting, and the TriCaster 860. Completion allows you to reserve and use CMNtv’s studio for Public Access productions (see certification & rental details below).
Completion of the In Depth: Studio Production Class certifies you to reserve a 4 hour session in the CMNtv Studio for Public Access productions.
You must have an active Full Membership (Resident or Non-Resident) to reserve the CMNtv Studio.
CMNtv Studio Rentals
- Resident Members - Up to 4 hour session/Free
- Non-Resident Members - Up to 4 hour session/$125
Rentals are subject to existing CMNtv Equipment Rental & Reservation Policies.
For Commercial usage please see our Commercial Rentals page.