Workshop: Solo Studio

Capacity: 4 Students | Resident Price: $15 | Non-Resident Price: $50
Upcoming Workshops & Registration
Solo Studio
In the Solo Studio you can produce a live or recorded program for CMNtv. Simultaneously, you can live stream to a social media account and walk away with a program file that you can upload to YouTube and/or use as a podcast.
Open to Full Members
Completion allows you to reserve, and work in, CMNtv's Solo Studio.
(see certification & rental details below).
Completion of Workshop: Solo Studio certifies you to reserve a session (up to 4 hours) in the CMNtv Solo Studio for Public Access productions.
You must have an active Full Membership (Resident or Non-Resident) to reserve the Solo Studio.
CMNtv Solo Studio Rentals
- Resident Members - Up to 4 hour session/Free
- Non-Resident Members - Up to 4 hour session/$25
Rentals are subject to existing CMNtv Equipment Rental & Reservation Policies.
For Commercial usage please see our Commercial Rentals page.